Silent Valleys Irish Counter…… British Championship

Report From Sam Watson

Gavin Bland won in a time of 1hr 43mins, over 20 years since he won his first championship race!!!!

Wharfe finishers: Sam Watson 8th
Gill Myers 101st and 1st vet 50 lady!
Rachel Hill 115th
Kirsty Hall 118th
Caroline pollard 158th
Judith Howells 165th

180 runners tackled the first British champs race of the year. The race was over an extremely rough and technical course covering 10 miles through the mourne mountains in Northern Ireland. Just to add to the challenge there was quite low cloud covering the course. Fortunately the old fellrunning rule of “follow the local vest” payed off well for me on this occasion! Managing to tag onto a local runner for the first half of the race.

According to Kirsty Hall, the best part of the weekend was Saturday night. The local dance floor was taken over by about 20 topless, sweaty (slightly under the influence of Guinness) fellrunners jumping around to a local band! I’ll have to take her word for it as my memory seems to have gone a bit blurry at this point in proceedings!

What a brilliant weekend! Lets see if we can get a few more wharfees there next year????