Soreen Stanbury Splash

Stanbury Splash - T.Done

Photo courtesy of Tim Done, more here

Wharfedale ladies were 1st team (Sarah, Gill  and Looie) and the men 2nd team (Christian, Gareth, James) behind Ilkley.


1st Male: Tom Addison -Helm Hill (39:01)

1st Female: Helen Fines -CVFR (46:17)

Wharfedale results: 8th Christian Holmes (42:25), 10th Gareth Hird (42:46), 11th James Hall (42:53), 14th Spencer Riley (43:00), 15th Dave Kirkham (43:07), 21st Paul ‘Crabby’ Crabtree (43:44), 27th Sam Hagger (44:39), 33rd Paul Carman (45:09), 44th Paul M Crabtree (46:35), 55th Jason Helmsley (47:18), 77th Sarah Tipler (49:00 -4th Lady), 94th Chris Jones (50:09), 98th Gill Myers (50:30 -1st Lady V50), 102nd Louisa Pickles (50:48), 103rd Michael Bray (50:49), 109th Daniel Coe (51:03), 132nd Michael Griffin (52:08), 198th Angela Donlan (57:20), 256th Mark  ??? (61:15), 286th Carren Crabtree (63:47), 288 Paul Wilson (64:11), 307th Roger Hall (65:43).

337 Runners Finished


U10: 6th Alice Jones (8:45),16th Joseph Carman (9:28), 17th Thomas Edward (9:34).

U12: 12th Logan Hargreaves-Madhas (8:15), 16th George Carman (8:27), 18th Emily Jones (8:35), 20th Richard Done (8:40), 23rd Sam Johnstone (8:49); 32nd Keera Nelson (9:30).

U14: 2nd Thomas Nelson (6:39), 4th Charlie Lowrie (6:51), 10th Robbie Johnston (7:44).

Full results, photos and video can be found at